Join Vu, Manny, Damon and Rob as they discuss a variety of Porsche related topics from the past week. You’ll hear Rob’s thoughts on driving the new Macan EV, what we encountered while reinstalling Vu’s 996 engine and whether or not Damon’s new limited slip on his Cayman made a difference. Plus, we talk about the new Cayennes, why Porsche is abandoning changes to the 963 engine and whether or not Tesla towing Porsche beat a Porsche in a drag race. We also update you on some other Porsche news as well as PCA videos and PCA upcoming events. It’s an episode with something for everyone.
A must listen for any Porsche fan! Vu, Manny, Rob and Damon report from the first three days of the 2022 Porsche Parade in...
Join Vu, Manny and Damon as they welcome special guest, Nathan Merz, to the podcast. Nathan tells us some behind the scenes stories about...
join Vu, Manny and Damon as they discuss Porsche’s performance at Super Sebring. They also tour a special private collection in the Virginia area....