Join Vu, Manny, Damon and special guest, Ilko Nechev who is Porsche Panorama’s Advertising Director. Vu and Manny give an update on their recent site visit to Laguna Seca with Porsche. Damon tells us how many quarts of brake fluid he needed to use to get all the bubbles out. Ilko describes his Luft 8 experience in Los Angeles. Plus, there’s Porsche news, updates on unStock, LA Auto Show Member Preview and Tech Tactics West.
Join Vu, Manny, and Damon for another hour of Porsche talk and camaraderie. They discuss the latest Porsche news, what may appear at the...
Join Vu, Manny, Damon and their returning guest, Kurt Felmar, who is the owner of Ceramic Pro White Marsh. Kurt educates us on all...
Join Vu, Manny, Rob, and Damon on this extended cut of the Porsche Club Insider Podcast. We cover all we did from Tuesday through...