Latest Episodes

Unkept Porsche promises and culinary disappointments
The crew discusses a variety of topics during their last podcast of 2021. First up, who is using winter tires and why they’re good...

It was the gold standard of turbo lag
Vu, Manny, Rob, and Damon along with Ethan the greyhound are in the studio for Episode 5. They discuss Manny’s recent press trip to...

It Was The First Time I Saw Someone Wearing A Wu-Tang Clan T-Shirt At A PCA Event
Vu, Manny and Rob talk about their recent California trip where they got to hang out with the Good Vibes Breakfast Club and attend...

Mr. Sass, You don’t have to buy every car that appears on the Mart
Vu, Manny, Rob, and Damon discuss their Mart Fresh picks and an upcoming Mart project. They also discuss the new PCA video featuring Boxster...

It’s perfect for color blind people
Vu, Manny, Rob, and Damon discuss what Porsche-related stuff they’ve done recently. This includes Boardwalk Reunion, Audrain Concours, Porsche Press Trip for the Boxster...

The texts are coming from within the tunnel!
Vu, Manny, Rob and Damon welcome Gregory Brown to discuss the all-Porsche-bike trip. A group of questionably conditioned Porsche Club of America members riding...